Where to file a complaint about a mortgage company

Find out where to complain about a mortgage company for discrimination, deceptive practices, and scams.

Report a mortgage lender for discrimination

Housing discrimination happens when a lending institution gets in the way of a person buying housing because of their:

File a complaint about mortgage company services

If you are experiencing a problem with your mortgage company’s services, try contacting the company first. If you cannot resolve the issue with your lender, file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Examples of common mortgage complaints include:

Report deceptive mortgage practices and scams

Deceptive mortgage practices

Report a mortgage company to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) if it makes deceptive statements, omits important facts, or takes misleading actions. Examples include:

Mortgage relief scams

A scammer may offer to adjust your mortgage so you will pay less and avoid foreclosure.