Fingal County Council Corporate Plan 2019 - 2024 CONTENTS

Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive Page 3 Introduction Page 4 Contextual Overview / External Factors Page 6 Operating Environment Page 10 Mission and Vision Statement Page 17 Corporate Values Page 18 Strategic Themes, Priorities and Objectives Page 19 Implementation and Monitoring Page 25 2 APPENDICES: 1. The Council, its Committees and Associated Bodies Page 26 2. The Council and its Committees Page 27 3. Associated Statutory Bodies Page 28 4. Other Associated Bodies Page 30 5. Organisation Structure, Capacity and Resources Page 31 6. Strategy and Policy Documents relevant to Fingal County Council Page 32 7. Baseline Data Page 36 8. Consultees Page 48 9. Key Achievements/Deliveries Page 50 10. Elected Members Page 52 11. Local Electoral Area Map Page 57 MESSAGE FROM MAYOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE

ingal County Council’s Corporate Plan for 2019- monitored and reviewed to ensure we can respond F2024 has been produced after an intensive period quickly to changes in whatever form they may take. of consultation with Councillors, staff, community groups, business groups, citizens organisations and In particular, the Plan reflects the Council’s other stakeholders over the past few months. responsibilities towards human rights and equality, supports for people with disabilities to live ordinary The Corporate Plan is a statement of our vision, our lives and the inclusion of migrants within Fingal as values and our objectives for a county with the fastest well as its activities in relation to Climate Action. growing, youngest and most diverse population in Ireland. It identifies the opportunities and challenges Our staff are fully committed to the implementation of that lie ahead over the next five years. the Corporate Plan and will work with our Councillors, citizens and stakeholders to make Fingal the place of All elements of Fingal County Council’s input to life in choice in Ireland. this county were considered and strategic areas where we can continue to make a positive contribution to We would like to thank everybody who contributed to the quality of life for the people of Fingal have been the creation of this Corporate Plan and look forward 3 identified. to seeing the Elected Members and staff jointly embracing the challenge over the next five years of The result is a strategic document that presents the realising the ambitions contained within it. vision and mission statement, core values, themes, strategic priorities and strategic objectives which will guide the Council from now until 2024. It links together key elements such as Policy, Organisation, Operational Activity, Governance and Performance Management and serves as our roadmap for the next five years. Cllr Eoghan O’Brien Mayor of Fingal It will be the driver of our Annual Budgets, Capital Programmes and Service Delivery Plans. Each Department will have priority plans and strategies aimed at achieving our Corporate Objectives.

We will have in place a method of measuring outputs AnnMarie Farrelly and outcomes to ensure we are delivering on our Chief Executive commitments, that we are accountable and that what we do is transparent. The Plan will be continuously INTRODUCTION

he Corporate Plan 2019-2024 has been prepared in accordance with the statutory Trequirements set out in the Local Government Act 2001 as amended.

It has also been prepared in line with the Council’s statutory obligations under Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014 to eliminate discrimination, protect human rights and promote equality of opportunity.

Key to the development of this Plan is the consultation that was undertaken involving internal and external stakeholders. An extensive consultation process was undertaken with a large number of staff throughout the organisation. In addition, the business community, Non-Governmental Organisations and community groups across the myriad of organisations affiliated with the Public Participation Network (PPN) and the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) were consulted in the development of this Plan. The final Plan reflects the inputs from this extensive consultation process.

4 The Corporate Plan 2019-2024 has set out the strategic priorities and objectives for the Council based around four strategic themes of:




QUALITY IN OUR WORK 5 CONTEXTUAL OVERVIEW/EXTERNAL FACTORS he county of Fingal comprises a geographical The county has significant economic advantages AGE Tarea of 450 square kilometres stretching notably its proximity to Dublin City and Port from Balbriggan in the north of the county to through the Port Tunnel and its location on the Circa 42% of the population of the county were Blanchardstown in the south west and over Dublin Belfast economic corridor. The major below 30 years of age in 2016 as compared to to Howth in the east. The coastline stretches arterial routes of the M50, M1, M2 and M3 link the national average of 39%, while over 13% over 88kms with 13 major beaches, three large the county with the rest of Dublin and with the were aged 60 and over as compared with 18% estuaries and salt marsh habitats. It is a county north of the country. Dublin Airport, located nationally. The age categories of 0-15 and rich in cultural heritage with the Council playing a in the heart of the county, in addition to being 25-39 years of age are those in which Fingal major role in the development of some of the key a key hub into and out of the country is also a substantially exceeds the national profile. visitor attractions including Ardgillan Demesne, significant economic driver in the county. Newbridge House, Malahide Castle and Gardens and Skerries Mills. The Dublin Enterprise Zone, located in HOUSEHOLDS Blanchardstown, which consists of 1,571 hectares of industrial land, is home to many According to the 2016 Census there were 96,812 household names in the IT and pharmaceutical households in Fingal, 16,400 more than 2006 sectors providing employment to over 19,000 an increase of over 20%. The average size of all 6 working in 780 companies. private households was 3.03 persons in 2016 while for the State as a whole it was 2.75 persons. The county is home to one third level institute, the Technological University Dublin, formerly NATIONALITIES the Blanchardstown Institute of Technology, and has also developed close links with Dublin City Fingal has the second highest number of non- University. Irish nationals at almost 64,000, behind Dublin City, and has the 3rd highest level in proportion The demographics of the county are set out in to Irish nationals behind Galway and Dublin the following sections. cities.

The 2016 Census recorded a population of 296,020 in Fingal, the third highest in the country, behind Dublin City and Cork County. This represents an 8% increase on the 2011 Census and more than 17% on the 2006 Census, a faster growth rate than any other local authority area in the same period. CONTEXTUAL OVERVIEW/EXTERNAL FACTORS ECONOMIC CONTEXT at DCU and Blanchardstown, as well as sectoral • facilitating mobility needs and changing patterns enterprise clusters in pharmaceuticals, life of commuting and economic activity, including Fingal has tremendous natural, physical, sciences, IT and food production. the demand for public transport, remote working geographic and economic assets, which reflect its and shared working spaces in the county Future regional competitiveness requires size, location, people, and role both in Dublin and • meeting the housing needs of a growing nationally. continuous protection and enhancement of these assets, as well as action to support the development population, in respect of units, locations, sizes, of the enterprise mix into higher-value, durable designs, affordability, services and positive and The economic context in which this Corporate Plan sustainable community development has been prepared sees the total labour force in and internationally competitive activities. Fingal standing at 149,386 as per the Census of • addressing the vast diversity within the county, 2016. The county had the highest rate of labour The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy both physically and socially force participation, amongst all the cities and foresees the population of the Eastern and Midland counties. The county has the highest employment region growing by approximately 500,000 persons • addressing the stark challenges of climate rate and lowest unemployment rate relative to by 2040, and that of Fingal county increasing change and environmental resource depletion other counties in the State as a whole. by approximately 50,000 by 2031 (growth of in all areas of physical, social and economic life some 16% over 2016). This will bring significant • embracing the full potential and opportunities 7 The 2016 Census showed the employment rate demands in terms of services and infrastructure, as well as opportunities and potential in respect of of technology across service provision, in the county at almost 90% of the labour force infrastructural management, and citizen compared to 87% nationally. human capital, social development, and economic opportunity and wellbeing. An overriding challenge engagement This presents both a strength and opportunity given is to grow and develop in ways which facilitate • protecting, supporting and enhancing the the productivity and energy of a young population economic opportunity and access to appropriate county’s current and future economic assets and workforce, but also a challenge in respect services, are environmentally sustainable, and and resources. of service provision, housing, social and cultural which protect and enhance people’s livelihoods, assets, delivering quality of life, social cohesion, health and quality of life. and serving the mobility and other needs of a socially and economically active population. There Entering this next phase of national and regional are also the relative unknowns such as Brexit - its development, some of the challenges for Fingal full impact on the county is yet to be determined. County Council in fulfilling its role in spearheading and enabling sustainable and prosperous growth The county has a broad economic base, with will include: all sectors well-represented in the workforce, along with many uniquely-important features of • proactively and resourcefully planning for economic infrastructure including Dublin airport our population in the context of social, and its cluster of ancillary manufacturing and infrastructural, and service needs service industries, higher education institutions CONTEXTUAL OVERVIEW/EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFLUENCE AND DEPRIVATION

Pobal’s Haase Pratschke (HP) Deprivation Index listed Fingal’s Deprivation Score at 5.31 in 2016, meaning that when considered in aggregate, the county was the second most affluent city or county in the country. However, the aggregate score masks a great divergence across local areas in the county with some areas listed as very affluent and others as severely disadvantaged or below average levels of affluence.


8 Fingal is committed to its statutory obligation under the Irish Human Rights Equality Act 2014 to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect the human rights of staff and of those to whom it provides services. 9 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT DUBLIN REGION-CONTEXT PLANNING & STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE It is recognised that Fingal contains both a large urban area and a strong rural hinterland and that new public transport corridors will provide new The Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023 sets opportunities to strengthen the development of out the overall aims and strategic direction for high quality, high capacity public transport together the County, including a settlement strategy of with housing growth. consolidated development and maximising efficient use of land and integrating land-use and In this regard future expansion of the existing transportation. The National Spatial Strategy was urban area should only happen in tandem with the implemented in the Dublin and Mid-East Regions planned, committed development of high quality through the Regional Planning Guidelines for the heavy or light rail based public transport projects. Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022. These Guidelines were the key regional policy influence on the This will support the implementation of the National preparation of the Development Plan. They also 10 Transport Authority’s Transport Strategy for the seek to deliver policies that integrate land use, Greater Dublin Area and maximise the benefit of transport, economic growth and investment in the large-scale investment currently being made in utilities – water, broadband and energy so that public transport in the Dublin Metropolitan region. the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) can move towards becoming a sustainable high quality location for The Regional Planning Guidelines’ specifically business, residents and visitors. recommend that the majority of future housing in Fingal should occur within the catchment areas of such strategic transport infrastructure, and phasing for towns outside of these corridors allowing for lower levels of growth in line with the natural increase in population levels. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT HOUSING

The provision of quality housing in the appopriate The Council will strive to ensure the supply of locations underpins wider national and regional housing in the county to provide sustainable, economic and social progress, not least by quality, affordable, mixed tenure housing options ensuring that our cities, towns and villages are through land use activation and development successful and attractive places to live and work. management and working collaboratively with The challenges currently faced in the housing key stakeholders. sector are complex with significant challenges in meeting the housing needs of a growing economy. The facilitation of good quality rented The delivery of social housing to meet the current accommodation standards to enhance the and future needs of our citizens continues to be a quality of life for individuals and families living challenge for all local authorities including Fingal in the rented accommodation sector is a priority County Council. This delivery is undertaken objective for the Council. and guided by the Fingal Housing Strategy, the Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019-2024 11 and the objectives of the Government’s strategy Rebuilding Ireland – Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness which prioritises addressing homelessness, the acceleration of housing delivery across all tenures, a better rental sector and a more efficient use of the housing stock.

The Dublin region continues to face a serious challenge to resolve the crisis of homelessness and Fingal County Council continues to work collaboratively with the other Dublin Local Authorities and the Dublin Region Homeless Executive. The Council strives to tackle homelessness and bring forward innovative solutions to help the more vulnerable members of the community by adopting a strategic approach and identifying real actions required to prevent, protect and progress those at risk of or experiencing homelessness in accordance with the Homelessness Action Plan 2019-2021. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

In the area of Information Technology (IT) we will use Build to Share digital technologies to enable the design of services We will continue to work collaboratively and to seek which meet the needs of citizens and businesses, opportunities for further collaboration with the Local which are easier for citizens and businesses to use, Government sector and other Government bodies and which are more cost-effective for the Council on shared approaches to services, application to deliver. delivery, infrastructure, security, support and procurement. We will focus on three pillars for the delivery of IT Services – Digital Council, Digital Services and Digital Data as an Enabler County. We will also align our approach with the We will maximise the management, use and objectives outlined in the Public Service and Local sharing of data to support and improve the delivery Government ICT Strategies – Build to Share; Digital of services; to drive efficiencies; to better inform First; Data as an Enabler; Improve Governance. decision making and to increase openness and 12 transparency between the Council and the public. Digital Council We will use digital technologies to enable and Improve Governance transform the Council workplace by digitalising We will pursue a continuous improvement process manual and paper-based processes and in the area of Information Technology governance implementing available, reliable, performant and to ensure alignment, reduce risk and ensure best secure technology infrastructure. practice in governance and security.

Digital Services The implementation of the Council’s Digital Strategy We will use digital technologies to enable and will be key in delivering on the commitment to transform the delivery of Council services through maximise the benefits of the rollout of the National end-to-end user-centric service and policy design, Broadband Plan. The Council is committed to and innovation in service delivery. facilitating the rollout of the National Broadband Plan and recognises the vital role digital connectivity Digital County will play in Fingal’s urban and rural economic and We will use digital technologies to contribute social development. to improving the way we live, work and do business in Fingal OPERATING ENVIRONMENT SHARED SERVICES

The Council is already actively involved in the The Council plays an active role in the Dublin Region delivery of a number of its services through a shared Homeless Executive (DRHE) which is a shared service services model and will continue to explore further operation, operating under the aegis of Dublin City opportunities. Council as the lead Statutory Authority in the Dublin Region in respect of the co-ordination of responses The Council will continue to act as an agent for Irish to homelessness. Water in the delivery of water services and waste water treatment to the Greater Dublin Area. Laois County Council operates a Local Government Shared Services Centre for the purpose of providing In June 2018 the Local Government Management payroll processing and superannuation services to Agency (LGMA) approved the introduction of the Age the sector. The shared services centre is operated Friendly Ireland Centralised Coordination Unit with by staff of Laois County Council and is otherwise the management of the national shared service for known as “MyPay”. MyPay currently provide payroll Age Friendly within Meath County Council. and superannuation services to 30 local authorities, including Fingal County Council. 13 This shared service offers a unique opportunity to consolidate how information is gathered, hosted and The Fire Service for Fingal is provided by Dublin shared across all 31 Age Friendly Programmes. Fingal City Council. The full services of Dublin Fire Brigade, County Council is hosting the Regional Age Friendly including the Ambulance Service, deal with incidents, Programme Manager for the East region which also accidents and emergencies in Fingal. includes Dun Laoghaire Rathdown, South Dublin, Meath and Louth County Councils.

Dublin City Council will continue to act as the lead for the Waste Enforcement Regional Local Authority (WERLA).

The WERLAs have responsibility for coordinating waste enforcement actions within regions, setting priorities and common objectives for waste enforcement, ensuring consistent enforcement of waste legislation across the three existing waste management planning regions. Council personnel will continue to act as first responders on the ground to specific breaches of waste legislation. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT BUILDING CONTROL The Finance Department will facilitate the advancement of the delivery of the Council’s adopted Capital The Council is designated as Building Control Authority Programmes subject to available funding and further under the Building Control Acts 1990 to 2014 with will provide an effective Insurance Section resourced to strong powers to promote and enforce compliance allow for, where it is appropriate, the robust defence of with Building Regulations and Construction Product claims, to minimise their impact on resources. Regulations.

The aim of the building regulations is to provide for the CLIMATE ACTION safety and welfare of people in and about buildings, to provide for the special needs of disabled persons and for The Council has developed its Climate Change Action the conservation of fuel and energy. Effective compliance Plan with the assistance of the City of Dublin Energy underpins markets, protects the environment and the Management Agency (Codema) and the Dublin rights and safety of the citizen. Metropolitan Climate Action Regional Office (CARO). The plan was adopted by the Council in May 2019. 14 The Council works collaboratively with the newly established National Building Control Office which has The action plan has targets of a 33% increase in Energy been set up to oversee and strengthen the Building Efficiency by 2020 and a 40% decrease in CO2 by 2030 Control Function in local authorities as a shared service for the Council’s activities. The Council will help to within Dublin City Council. make Fingal climate-resilient and play a leadership role in transitioning to a decarbonised society, climate proofing our strategies, policies and procedures and FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT actively engaging our citizens. The Council will continue to work in close collaboration with the other Dublin The Council’s financial resources will be managed in Local Authorities, the Dublin CARO, regional authorities the most prudent fashion in order to maximise the and national bodies. availability of funds to allow for the effective delivery of services across the organisation.

This will be achieved through the provision of an effective and efficient commercial rates collection service; maximising output from all financial funding sources; monitoring the short and long term financing needs of the Council and optimising the use of resources and obtaining value for money. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT CUSTOMER SERVICES WASTE ENFORCEMENT

The customer service model used by the Customer The Waste Enforcement Unit will continue to ensure Care Unit (CCU) which was already in operation in compliance with Waste Management Regulations County Hall has been expanded to the Council offices including permitting of waste recovery facilities, in Blanchardstown and Balbriggan and demonstrates monitoring and control of waste movement and the Council’s commitment to improving the customer producer responsibility obligations. experience. Customer interactions channelled through the Customer Service Agents within the CCU The unit will prepare the annual RMCEI Plan via phone, email and in person will, where possible, (Recommended Minimum Criteria for Environmental be dealt with at the first point of contact. Inspections) which identifies and prioritises enforcement activities and inspections in Fingal. The expansion of this first point of contact model focusses on the delivery of quality customer service. The Council is committed to providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality 15 service and assistance to ensure that the customers’ requirements are met.

It is intended that other interactions, including those by digital means, will be dealt with by the CCU to reflect the digital transformation of the Council and the evolving methods of how people interact. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT RISK MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES

The development of a corporate risk management Staffing levels in Fingal have seen an increase strategy was a significant step in the identification in numbers from the period post the economic of risk in the delivery of Council services. downturn.

The purpose of the strategy is to effectively manage At the adoption of the Plan, there are currently potential opportunities and threats to the Council. 1,356 whole-time equivalent (wte) staff working across the various departments in the organisation. Risk Management is a central part of the service In an economy which is operating at close to full delivery planning process and the way in which the employment, the recruitment and retention of staff Council manages its affairs. It is a continuous and has been challenging and is likely to continue for developing process whereby the Chief Executive the foreseeable future. and Executive Management Team will methodically address the risks relating to its activities and The Digital Workplace Programme will transform the 16 objectives with the goal of achieving economic, working environment for existing and prospective efficient, and effective service delivery. staff while marketing of our jobs and services will show the Council as an attractive place to work and Risk Management is not about avoiding risk, make a contribution to the community. The Council rather, it is about understanding and evaluating will continue to invest significantly in the area of opportunities and threats and making informed staff training and development. decisions about how these are to be managed in order to maximise the efficiency of services This demonstrates our commitment to staff in provided to the people of Fingal. the organisation and will develop organisational capacity to meet the challenges in service delivery into the future.

The Council will continue to focus on the delivery of high-quality services and staff performance will continue to be managed through the Performance Management Development System (PMDS). OUR VISION

Fingal - a great place to live, work, visit and do business

To be a vibrant, outward looking, well run Council that shows leadership and embraces diversity and opportunity OUR CORPORATE VALUES

ACCOUNTABLE We are accountable for delivering on our commitments

ACT WITH INTEGRITY We work in a principled, open and conscientious manner

CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE We embrace change and pursue excellence 18 DEMOCRATIC AND CIVIC LEADERSHIP We value the democratic process and protect civic leadership

ENGAGE AND INSPIRE We focus on engaging and inspiring our citizens

INCLUSIVENESS We will include all citizens in our activities

PUT PEOPLE FIRST We value people, encourage their development and reward their performance

SUSTAINABILITY We keep sustainability to the forefront of everything we do STRATEGIC THEMES Four strategic themes have been identified as part of the development of this Plan reflecting the complex and interlinked working environment of the organisation.

These themes cross cut all Departments in the organisation in the delivery of our services to the citizens of Fingal. Each theme has a number of high level strategic priorities and each strategic priority has in turn a number of strategic objectives.

Set out in the next section are the strategic priorities and strategic objectives linked to each of the four Themes.




STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Provide for the sustainable development of the county through the review of Develop plans to facilitate the increase of supply of housing in the county the County Development Plan - and the preparation of a new Plan Build a strong sense of place, identity and wellbeing through the development Facilitate the supply of housing, both public and private, in the county to of equal, inclusive and connected communities provide sustainable, quality, affordable, mixed tenure housing options through land use activation and development management Support the growth of strong and resilient neighbourhoods

Facilitate good quality private rented accommodation standards to enhance the quality of life for individuals and families living in the private rented Provide high quality parks and open spaces to meet the needs of all users and 20 accommodation sector create a healthy environment Strive to ensure that all communities in Fingal irrespective of age, nationality, Foster collaborative leadership among stakeholders in local community & ethnicity, religious or cultural background are encouraged to participate in economic development and avail of the services delivered by the Council Support the development of strong, safe and engaged communities to actively Provide a safe and sustainable public realm to meet the needs of all the participate in civic life celebrating our identity through arts, culture, heritage citizens of the county. and sport

Develop and enhance the arts and cultural identity of Fingal, make space for Support local communities and residents to meet the needs of the most the arts connecting people and ideas and encouraging participation in all art vulnerable in our society working with other agencies in Fingal forms.

Provide dynamic and inclusive library spaces and services for the community

Support culture and recreation and enable literacy, education and economic development through innovative programmes

Create effective pathways for citizens of Fingal to develop and participate in lifelong patterns of involvement in sport, recreation and leisure creating healthy lifestyles and building a sustainable approach to sport development STRATEGIC PRIORITY DEVELOP ENGAGEMENT WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERS

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Ensure that our citizens, businesses and organisations can easily communicate with the Council

Engage and consult with citizens and stakeholders in a way that allows their views to be taken on board, through the use of both statutory and non- statutory processes

Strengthen and support stakeholders and statutory providers by collaborating in the economic and social development of the county

Strengthen, support and expand the work of the Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN ) 21 THEME 2: Quality and Climate Resilient Environment STRATEGIC PRIORITY ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Deliver on the specific actions in the Climate Action Plan to improve climate resilience.

Play a leadership role in transitioning to a decarbonised society

Promote and protect the biodiversity of the county and work to restore ecosystems and ecosystem services

Promote and enforce a culture of compliance within the county to advance Climate Action commitments

22 Foster a strong local economy through environmentally sustainable businesses


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Promote and protect the built and cultural heritage of the county

Promote the unique urban, rural and coastal landscape character of Fingal

Support the unique cultural heritage of Fingal and the Irish language

Promote the sustainable management of waste & the circular economy

Reduce the environmental impact of Council activities

Ensure our coast, beaches and waterways are managed in a sustainable manner THEME 2: Quality and Climate Resilient Environment THEME 3: Quality Business Environment STRATEGIC PRIORITY STRATEGIC PRIORITY PROMOTE AND ENABLE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE GROWTH STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Activate lands by delivering infrastructure to facilitate the delivery of housing, Foster collaborative leadership in the development of future skills in the economic development and sustainable communities county Deliver a sustainable transport system for all citizens Support and promote the sustainable economic development of Fingal Deliver work programmes that develop and maintain strategic, physical and Support the performance, innovation, competitiveness, productivity and green infrastructure of the county success of business in Fingal

Support local economic development by promoting Fingal as a location in which to invest and by developing and implementing sectoral policy initiatives 23 STRATEGIC PRIORITY GROW AND ENABLE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strengthen the proposition and marketing of tourism in the county

Facilitate the creation of a Fingal Food & Drink Tourism Destination

Promote heritage led tourism initiatives at Fingal Heritage properties

Optimise and expand visitor experiences at all Fingal visitor attractions and events THEME 4: Quality in Our Work STRATEGIC PRIORITY STRATEGIC PRIORITY IMPROVE DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, OPENNESS AND DELIVER QUALITY SERVICES TRANSPARENCY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Deliver services in the most efficient and effective manner Provide the highest quality of service to our Councillors and all elected representatives Foster a culture of continuous improvement in all our activities

Ensure good governance, openness and transparency within the Council Use digital technologies to enable and transform our workplace and the delivery of services Ensure that the democratic functions of the Council are performed in an open, informed and effective way Apply the principles of good design, delivery, management and informed decision making to all projects, programmes and delivery of services Inform citizens through effective communications programmes Perform statutory obligations in a way that ensures fairness and efficiency for 24 both the community being protected and those being regulated

Deliver on the Public Sector Duty under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Build a workforce of the future by recruiting, retaining and developing high quality and motivated staff

Protect and promote Health, Safety and Wellbeing amongst our staff

Develop capacity and capability of the organisation

Manage the organisation effectively IMPLEMENTATION & MONITORING Progress on achieving objectives will be monitored through the following National, Regional and Local protocols and arrangements: National National Service Indicators National Oversight & Audit Commission

Regional Interactions with the Office of the Planning Regulator Interactions with the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly Local 25 Local Authority Annual Report Annual Service Delivery Plan - quarterly reviews Audit Committee Reports Local Government Audit Reports Annual Budgets and quarterly reviews Three Year Capital Programmes - annual and quarterly reviews End of Year Accounts and Outturn Report Monthly Chief Executive Report to Council Departmental Operational Plans Performance Management Development System (PMDS) Customer Surveys Consultation Portal APPENDIX 1: The Council, its Committees and Associated Bodies


The County Council is the policy decision making body and meets on a The Corporate Policy Group (CPG) advises and assists the elected Council in monthly basis with separate meetings for the Annual General Meeting and the formulation, development, monitoring and review of policy. It consists of the adoption of the Annual Budget. It consists of 40 Members elected every 5 the Mayor, as Chair, and the Chairpersons of six Strategic Policy Committees. years. The current Council took up office in June 2019 and will remain in office until June 2024.

The position of Mayor is put forward for election at the Annual General STRATEGIC POLICY COMMITTEES Meeting in June of each year. Strategic Policy Committees formulate, develop, monitor and review policy AREA COMMITTEES which relates to the functions of the Council. The SPCs are made up of elected Members and nominees from sectoral interest bodies associated with the Business of a more local nature is assigned to Area Committees of which particular area of focus of the committee. The SPC Chair is elected for the full there are three: 5 year term of the Council. 27 • Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart/Castleknock/Ongar Area Committee - 16 Members • Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee - 17 Members • Howth/Malahide Area Committee - 7 Members

The role of Area Chairperson is put forward for election each year.

The Audit Committee has an independent role in advising the Council on financial reporting processes, internal control, risk management and audit matters, as part of the governance arrangements that operate within the Council. The Audit Committee is established by resolution of the Council upon nomination by the Corporate Policy Group and consists of seven members, three Elected Members and four external members. APPENDIX 3: Associated Statutory Bodies FINGAL LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE

The Fingal Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is responsible for coordinating, planning and overseeing local development initiatives including the implementation of the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP). The Local Government Act 2014 provides for the establishment of the LCDC.

The statutory functions of the LCDC include:

• To be responsible for national funding programmes at a local level. In 2018-2022 the Social Inclusion Community and Activation Programme (SICAP) provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, 28 community organisations and public sector agencies • Facilitate the LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme (2015- 2020) to support sustainable economic development projects for rural communities ranging from tourism, agri-food and to business activities

• Improve the co-ordination of public-funded local and community development programmes and reduce duplication

• The preparation and implementation of the community element and review of economic elements of the Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan

The 19 member LCDC has broad representation from public and private interests including business, local development, education, enterprise, agriculture, voluntary and Elected Members. APPENDIX 3: Associated Statutory Bodies PUBLIC PARTICIPATION NETWORK LOCAL TRAVELLER ACCOMMODATION CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE The Fingal Public Participation Network (PPN) was introduced following the enactment of the Local Government Act 2014. PPNs are collectives of The Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee (LTACC) advises environmental, social inclusion and voluntary organisations. Representatives the Council in relation to the provision and maintenance of accommodation are nominated to participate in and inform Local Authority decision making for Travellers. The Committee conducts its business having regard to its structures. The Fingal Local Community Development Committee has five standing orders and the “Guidelines for the Operation of Local Traveller PPN nominees. Accommodation Consultative Committees” issued by the then Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. JOINT POLICING COMMITTEE EASTERN AND MIDLAND REGIONAL ASSEMBLY The Joint Policing Committee is established under An Garda Síochána Act 2005, with the most recent Guidelines for operation of JPCs issued on 29th The Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly comprises of 38 elected August 2014. Members nominated by the 12 constituent local authorities within the region. Joint Policing Committees operate in a manner that offer an opportunity 29 to develop greater consultation, cooperation and accountability between An Garda Síochána, Local Authorities and Elected Members, with the participation of the community and voluntary sector, on the management of policing and crime issues.

Each of the partners involved in JPCs has its own distinct perspective and inputs to offer, along with its own responsibilities in ensuring that society’s needs are effectively met to maintain safe and secure communities.

Membership of the Fingal Joint Policing Committee consists of the following: • 15 Elected Members (County Councillors) • 5 Oireachtas Members (TDs and Senators) • 2 Local Authority Officials • 2 An Garda Síochána Representatives • 7 Community Representatives APPENDIX 4: Other Associated Bodies

Airport Regions Conference Howth SAAO Management Committee

Ardgillan Castle Ltd. Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd Joint Fingal and South Dublin Liffey Valley Management Advisory Association of Irish Local Government Committee

Balleally Landfill Liaison Committee Local Authority Members Association (LAMA)

BASE Enterprise Centre Malahide Castle & Newbridge House Ltd

Blanchardstown Community Policing Forum NorDubCo – North Dublin Development Coalition

Blanchardstown Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force North Dublin Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force

30 County Heritage Forum Nuclear Free Local Authorities

Draíocht Regional Health Forum Dublin and North East

Drinan Enterprise Centre Sports Partnership Committee

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board

Dublin North East Drugs and Alcohol Task Force

Edge Cities Network

Fingal Tourism Ltd

Governing Authority of DCU

Hansfield SDZ Steering Group APPENDIX 4: Other Associated Bodies APPENDIX 5: Organisation Structure

31 APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents Strategic and Policy Documents relevant to Fingal County Council 2019 - 2024 NATIONAL/EU EU ‘Floods’ Directive EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010- 2030 and the Gaeltacht Act 2012 (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht) Europe 2020 Strategy

2019 OECD Skills Strategy - Ireland European Flood Awareness System (EFAS)

A roadmap for Social Inclusion: Ambitions, Goals and Commitments 2019 – 2025 European Social Fund (ESF) Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020 Action Plan for Jobs 2018 Flood Risk Management Plans and Maps produced under National CFRAM (Catchment Action Plan to Expand Apprenticeship and Traineeship in Ireland 2016 - 2020 Flood Risk Assessment & Management) programme ( All Ireland Pollinator Plan Forecasting the Future Demand for High-level ICT Skills in Ireland 2017 - 2022 Arts Council Strategy: “Making Great Art Work” 2016 - 2025 32 Future Jobs Ireland (2019-2025) Brighter Outcomes Better Futures: the national framework for children and young Government Policy on Architecture 2009-2015 people 2014 - 2020 Guidelines on the Planning System and Flood Risk Management Building for Everyone: ‘A Universal Design Approach’ (2012) National Disability Authority Healthy Ireland – A Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing 2013–2025 (Dept of Climate Change Action Plan 2019 Health) Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector Heritage Ireland 2030 Creative Ireland Programme – 2017 - 2022 Ireland - Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 Culture 2025

CYPSC Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019 - 2024 (DCYA) Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 Department of Rural & Community Development Statement of Strategy 2017 – 2020 Irish National Dementia Strategy (Dept. of Health) Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets Marine Planning Policy Statement Digital Transformation: Assessing the Impact of Digitalisation on Ireland’s Workforce - Migrant Integration Strategy – A Blueprint for the future (Dept. of Justice & Equality) 2018

Enterprise Strategy 2025 Renewed - Building Resilience in the face of global challenges APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents Strategic and Policy Documents relevant to Fingal County Council 2019 - 2024 NATIONAL/EU National Vacant Housing Reuse Strategy National (Children) Safeguarding Policy Office of the Planning Regulator - Strategy Statement 2019 – 2024 National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007–2016 (Updated National Action Plan Our Public Libraries 2022: Inspiring, Connecting & Empowering Communities 2018) Pathways to Work 2016 - 2020 National Adaptation Framework People, Place and Policy – Growing Tourism to 2025 and the associated Tourism Action National Broadband Plan Plans National Cycle Policy Framework PPN User Guide (Department of Rural and Community Development) National Development Plan Project Ireland 2040 – National Planning Framework National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017 - 2021 Rebuilding Ireland - Action Plan for Housing & Homelessness National Flood Forecasting and Warning Service (data from monitoring stations - Renewable Electricity Policy and Development Framework (REPDF) River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021 National Heritage Plan - Heritage Ireland 2030 33 Rural Development Policy 2020+ Next phase National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability (NHSPWD) Sectoral Climate Action Plans National Marine Planning Framework Service Level Agreement EI/Local Authority (2017-2020) National Migrant & Integration Strategy Smarter Travel - DTTAS National Mitigation Plan Sport Ireland Policy for People with Disabilities National Physical Activity Plan Sport Ireland Policy on Women in Sport National Planning Framework 2040 Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways National Positive Ageing Strategy (Dept. of Health) Sustainable Urban Housing: Design Standards for New Apartments – Guidelines for National Skills Bulletin Building Authorities National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022 (Dept. of Rural & Community Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities: A Five-Year Strategy to Support Dev) the Community and Voluntary Sector in Ireland 2019-2024 National Sports Policy 2018 – 2027 Tourism Action Plan 2019-2021 National Strategy for People with a Disability 2011 - 2016 extended to 2020 Transport Infrastructure Ireland Standards National Strategy for Women and Girls 2017-2020 Traveller Accommodation Expert Review - July 2019 National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy 2017 – 2021 APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents Strategic and Policy Documents relevant to Fingal County Council 2019 - 2024 NATIONAL/EU LOCAL

UN Development Programme (UNDP) Sustainable Development Goals Balbriggan Urban Design Framework (2004)

Urbact III (2014 - 2020) Community Development Office Strategy/Vision Statement 2019 - 2021

Urban Design Framework 2004 Conservation Study & Management Plan 2018-2023 Drumanagh Promontory Fort

Urban Development and Building Heights – Guidelines for Building Authorities Cycling & Walking Policy

Water Services Policy Statement 2018-2025. Eight Year Framework for Arts 2018 - 2025 (with the Arts Council of Ireland)

Wind Energy Development Guidelines (WEDGS) FCC Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 34 FCC Climate Change Action Plan 2019 -2024 REGIONAL FCC Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability 2016 - 2020

Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan 2019-2023 FCC Traveller Accommodation Plan 2019 - 2024

Dublin Region Energy Master Plan Fingal Age Friendly Strategy 2018 -2023

Dublin Rural LEADER Local Development Strategy (LDS) 2014-20 Fingal Agri-Food Strategy 2019-2021

Eastern-Midlands Regional Waste Management Plan 2015-2021 Fingal Arts Plan 2019 – 2025

National Transport Authority – Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016 Fingal Children & Young Peoples Services Plan 2019 – 2021 -2035 Fingal Comhairle na n-Óg Annual Plan Regional Enterprise Action Plan Fingal Commemorations Programme 2018 - 2022 Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy for the Eastern & Midlands 2019 - 2031 Fingal Community Archaeology Strategy 2019 -2023 River Basin Management Plan Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 Strategy Plans of other Regional Bodies, for example, HSE, An Garda Síochána APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents APPENDIX 6: Strategic and Policy Documents Strategic and Policy Documents relevant to Fingal County Council 2019 - 2024 LOCAL Our Balbriggan 2019 - 2025 Rejuvenation Plan Fingal Culture & Creativity Plan 2018 - 2022 South Fingal Transportation Study Fingal Heritage Plan 2018 -2023 Swords Castle Conservation Plan Fingal Heritage Properties Review Swords Castle Cultural Quarter Architectural Masterplan 2015 Fingal Housing Strategy 2017 - 2023 The Forest of Fingal – a Tree Strategy for Fingal Fingal Libraries Development Plan 2018 – 2023 Tyrrelstown Community Research (2020) Fingal Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 - 2021

Fingal Migrant Integration & Social Cohesion Strategy 2019 – 2024 Fingal Public Participation Network Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021 35 Fingal Skills Strategy

Fingal Sports Office Vision Statement 2019 – 2021

Fingal’s Tourism Strategy, 2017-2022

Flemington Community Research- Liveability and Flemington 2019

Healthy Ireland – Fingal Strategic Plan 2018 – 2020

Heart of Balbriggan Plan 2011

Keeping it Green – An Open Space Strategy for Fingal

Local Area Plans, Masterplans and Studies

Local Enterprise Development Plan 2017-2020

Mulhuddart Strategic Development & Implementation Plan 2017 - 2022

Noise Action Plan for Dublin Airport 2019- 2023 APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Fire Services To protect communities from fire • To identify and manage risk • Cost of Fire Service per capita and to prepare to respond to and Emergency and other emergencies, working with partner agencies and in accordance emergencies in accordance • Time taken to mobilise fire brigades Management with national policies with the Framework for Major (full-time and part-time) in respect of Emergency Management fire/other emergency incidents

• To provide a prevention, • Percentage of cases in respect of protection and response fire fire/other emergency incidents in service, matched to locally which first attendance is at the scene identified fire risk, in accordance within: 36 with national guidance 10 mins 10-20 mins • Performance in relation to after 20 mins prevention, protection and response as set out in national norms and standards APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Road Improvement and restoration of • Maintenance of History of • Current ratings provided in the Transportation the regional and local road network Pavement Works; Road Pavement Pavement Surface Condition Index and the structural quality of roads Surface Inventory & Surveys (PSCI) and Safety for which Fingal County Council (Mechanical & Visual) is responsible (ref Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (Circular • Pavement Surface Condition RW 21/2014) Index (PSCI) ratings for regional, local primary, and local Ensuring climate resilience secondary roads

Finance Maintain moderate debt levels over • Provide for repayment of loans • Value of LA loans to other Bodies the medium term payable that are in arrears for more than 90 days Liquidity levels to be sufficient • Rolling cash flow forecast • Five year summary of revenue • Budget as adopted to account balance be sufficient to meet the expenditure arising in the year • Five year summary of percentage collection levels on major revenue • Income collection sources i.e. commercial rates, rent and annuities and housing loans APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Water Optimum level of operation of public • Service Level Agreement (SLA) • % of drinking water in compliance Services water services with Irish Water with statutory requirements (both Public and Private schemes)

38 Waste Sufficient waste collection services and • Waste collection licences • Number of licensees operating Management facilities in place awarded (through NWCPO) within in their area (to provide adequate Fingal’s administrative area competitive services)

• Grants for waste recycling • Number and percentage of facilities (provided through households accessing multiple Environment Fund) bin service collection (as per 2016 Census) APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Environment Ensure a high-quality environment • Environmental objectives in land • Number of complaints lodged and take early action to protect it. use plans with EPA Office of Environment Enforcement (OEE) • Adherence to SEA and EIA in relation to plans, projects and • % of Non-EPA (OEE) environmental developments complaints investigated that were closed.

• National Litter Monitoring • Percentage of areas in the local Pollution Results authority that are: - unpolluted (i.e. litter-free) • National Oil Spill Contingency - slightly polluted with litter 39 Plan (DTTAS) (due for publication - moderately polluted with litter Sept 2019) - significantly polluted with litter - grossly polluted

• Percentage of schools that have been awarded Green Flags status

Climate Action Reducing greenhouse gas emissions • Develop and implement policies • Tonnes of carbon abated per Euro and building resilience to the impacts that reduce greenhouse gas of expenditure of climate change emissions and climate resilience to the impacts of climate change at • Percentage reduction in local local level. authority’s total greenhouse gas emissions • Develop and implement policies that mainstream climate action objectives across all functions APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Water Safety To ensure safety for users of aquatic • Provision and maintenance of • Inspection of water safety environments safety equipment on rivers, lakes equipment and replacement as and beaches necessary

• Provision of lifeguard services • Number of areas with trained where and when required lifeguards on duty Number of days per annum of provision of lifeguards Homelessness Addressing homelessness • Provide and oversee the delivery • Number of adult individuals of homeless accommodation and considered to be long-term homeless 40 related services in the context of as % of the total number of adult Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan for individuals either using emergency Housing and Homelessness accommodation or sleeping rough in a given period

• The number of adult Individuals, families and their dependants accessing emergency accommodation in a given period

• The number out of those individuals who, at a given time, had been in emergency accommodation for 6 months continuously, or for 6 months cumulatively within the previous 12 months

• The number of households who exit emergency accommodation to a tenancy on a quarterly basis APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Housing Deliver social housing to meet • Rebuilding Ireland Housing • Combined total number of identified needs Services Plan dwellings provided and data for each delivery type Increase social housing construction in • Land Use Strategy order to deliver built units • Expenditure and maintenance costs • National Funded Programme for for Council owned stock Build on better utilisation of existing Vacant Stock stock to increase the availability of • % of compliant/non-compliant units available for social housing • Housing First National private rented tenancies inspected Implementation Plan 2018-2021 Rollout of Housing Assistance • % local authority housing vacant; Payment Scheme (HAP) • Deliver on the Housing and Number of Voids 41 Disability Steering Groups Five Deliver sufficient and appropriate Year plans • Average re-letting times and costs housing for disabled persons • Achieve national targets for the provision of suitable housing for people with disabilities

• Number of grants paid APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Economic To promote entrepreneurship foster • Use a range of measures and • Economic Impact - Number of jobs Development business start-ups and develop supports working in collaboration created existing micro & small businesses with other public and/or private organisations that support • Financial Activity – Number of To drive job creation and to provide enterprise development through grants approved accessible high quality supports for the use of the Local Enterprise new business ideas Development Plans (LEDP) • Training – Number of participants on Start your Own Business Courses

Library Developing a well-resourced public • Our Public Libraries 2020 • Average weekly opening hours library service that contributes to the Services social, economic and cultural well- • Active membership per head of being of communities population

• Number of visits to libraries per head of population

• Number of issues per head of population APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Tourism To support the sustainable • National Tourism Policy and • Revenue from tourism (per Fáilte development of tourism Action Plans Ireland)

• LA Tourism Strategy • No. of tourism events/projects supported • LA Tourism Officer Capability Programme

• Regional Festivals and Events Programme 43 Planning To ensure effective, proper • Adopt and implement quality • % of planning enforcement cases planning and sustainable, balanced development plans consistent with closed (against the number of cases development of urban and rural areas regional and national policies that were investigated)

• Implement Ministerial policy • % of applications where the decision direction on enforcement was confirmed (with or without variation) by An Bord Pleanála • Monitor compliance of conditions associated with grants of planning • Buildings inspected as a percentage permission of new buildings notified to the Council • National Planning Framework under Project Ireland 2040 • Cost of the planning service per capita APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Building Control To ensure safe and sustainable • Framework for Building Control • Building Control activity in line buildings in urban and rural areas Authorities with criteria defined by the National Building Control Office and NOAC • Monitor compliance with the including Fire Safety Certificates Building Regulations and Building Control Regulations • Cost of the Building Control Service per capita • Monitor compliance with the Construction Products Regulation

44 • Monitor compliance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Community To reduce poverty, promote social • Putting People First • Number of Groups associated with inclusion and equality through local, the PPN regional and national engagement and • Report on Citizen Engagement Social collaboration • Number of individuals from the Inclusion and • To support and resource most marginalised SICAP target Community disadvantaged communities groups who are nominated to LCDC Activation and marginalised target groups membership via the PPN structure Programme to engage with relevant local and who take up their positions on (SICAP) and national stakeholders in the Committees. identifying and addressing social 2018 - 2022 exclusion and equality issues • The agreed KPIs for the two 45 programme goals, Supporting • To move them closer to the Communities and Supporting labour market and improve work Individuals, are met readiness, and support them in accessing employment, self- employment and creating social enterprise opportunities APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Citizen To enable the public to take an active • Report on Citizen Engagement • No of PPN member groups Engagement/ formal role in policy making and • SLA/MOU between LA and PPN • No of Council consultations issued Public oversight committees of the local authority to PPN Participation • Provision of dedicated funding at Networks national and local level • No of Council consultations carried (PPNs) out via the PPN as main vehicle • Consultation with children and young people in line with • No of LA Boards/Committees in guidance from the Department which community representation is 46 of Children and Youth Affairs and facilitated through PPN in line with equality and diversity requirements • No of training days for Council staff and elected members in public participation and the PPN

• Percentage of local schools in the Youth Council / Comhairle na n-Óg APPENDIX 7: Baseline Data


Corporate • Optimum management of resources • Workforce Plan • Total Number of WTEs within the local authority • Annual Budget • WTEs per capita • Development of ICT based customer friendly initiatives • Putting People First • % of Working Days lost to Sickness (certified / uncertified) • Compliance with the statutory • E-Government Policy obligation to eliminate discrimination • Average no. of Training Days per and promote equality and protect • Training programme for staff WTE human rights under Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality • Awareness campaigns • Number of Page Visits to the Commission Act 2014 Council’s website 47 • FCC Migrant Integration and • Provide robust business Social Cohesion Strategy • Overall cost of ICT provision per management, risk management, WTE procurement, audit and corporate governance structures and systems in • Elimination of complaints compliance with statutory obligations including under: • Staff Awareness of Corporate • FOI Act policies • GDPR • Official Languages Act • Annual Reports • Protected Disclosures Act APPENDIX 8: Consultees Fingal Elected Members Fingal Public Participation Network

Corporate Policy Group Fingal Age Friendly Alliance

Fingal Audit Committee Fingal Dublin Chamber of Commerce members

48 49 APPENDIX 9: Key Achievements/Deliveries 2015 2016

Best Local Authority for Economic Development Services Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards eGovernment Award Best Local Authority for Economic Development Services in - Local Authority of the Year First place for the Fingal Online Consultation Portal consult. 2015, by Public Sector Magazine - Heritage and Built Environment Award for the Swords in the Accessibility category Castle Purple Flag for Swords - Digging History Fingal 2016 Centenary Programme Highlights for its evening and night-time economy - Skerries Age Friendly Town Initiative shortlisted Launch of Oral History Collection Public Arts Commission ‘Mobile Monuments’ National Planning Award Ireland eGovernment Awards Flagship Event 24th April 2016 President’s Choice Award for Lesotho Planning and Mapping Accessibility Award for the Online Consultation Portal Exhibitions including ‘Fingal and the Fingal for Irish Freedom’ Memorabilia days Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards ESRI Ireland Award Launch of the Commemorative Garden at County Hall, Best Practice in Citizen Engagement award for Fingal’s Age Technology Award for “Unfolding News Story” App Swords Friendly Facilities Launch of the Film ‘Fingal’s Finest

Pride of Place Awards Irish Planning Institute Awards 50 First prize for Ballyboughal President’s Choice Award for Lesotho Planning and Mapping Project LAMA Community & Council Awards Overall winner for Best Sports Facility for Donabate and Fingal Dublin Chamber Awards Portrane Community Centre Customer Service Excellence Award for Fingal Tourism

Business, Enterprise and Employment Service (BEE) Pride of Place Awards Business, Enterprise and Employment Centre opened at Mulhuddart Motorcross Project - first prize in the Special Blanchardstown Library Projects Category Donabate & Portrane Pride of Place Committee - runners up in category for population of 5000+

Swords Cultural Quarter Consolidation works were completed on the Gatehouse and east wall A new tourist information facility was provided Demolitions of buildings on North Street were completed

Fingal Local Economic & Community Plan 2016 – 2021 APPENDIX 9: Key Achievements/Deliveries 2017 2018 2019

Local Authority Members Association (LAMA) Awards LAMA Awards Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards Council of the Year Winner of the Best Heritage Project for Malahide Castle Local Authority of the Year and Gardens Our Balbriggan - Best Practice in Citizen Engagement Irish Georgian Society’s Architectural Conservation Awards Award for the Fingal Kaleidoscope Intergenerational Dublin Bay Prawn Festival - Festival of the Year Conservation Award for Newbridge House Project (Seniors & Four-Year Olds) 25th Anniversary The 25th Anniversary of Fingal County Council took place Pride of Place Awards Pride of Place Awards across the year of 2019. Council Community Engagement Award Corduff and Baldoyle both received awards Local Elections 2019 InBusiness Recognition Awards Bloom The 2019 Local Elections were held on the 25 May and the Council Award for support of Homegrown Business and Gold Medal for “A Greener Way for Fingal” (in collaboration new Council had its first meeting in June FDI with ITB Blanchardstown and the ETB – Education and Training Board) LAMA Awards National Procurement Awards Best Public Park St. Catherines Park Dublin 15 Best Procurement External Collaboration, Project of the Irish Landscape Institute (ILI) Best Energy Smart Initiative FCC installs Electric Vehicle Year for the Rapid Delivery Housing Framework First Place for “Keeping It Green – An Open Space Strategy Charging on Public Street Lighting System 51 for Fingal” Excellence in Public Relations Awards County Hall Our Balbriggan public engagement strategy - Best Public Irish Construction Excellence Awards The re-design of the County hall atrium including new Sector Campaign Entrance lobby and a public landscaped area was Housing Project finalists - Racecourse Common, Lusk & completed in March to provide an improved customer Patrick’s Grange, Ballyboughal National Procurement Awards service for visitors ‘Project of the Year’ award at the for the establishment of a New Community & Sports HUB in Balbriggan launched in central procurement unit Castlelands Community Centre opened in February October. National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards Communications award for the ACORN project Balbriggan Community College Sports Hall opened in Fingal Creative Ireland Programme November. Launch of Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 Fingal Dublin Chamber Business Excellence and CSR Awards Newbridge House and Farm - winners of Best Leisure/ Liam Rodgers Centre was officially opened in December. Air Quality / Noise Control Tourism Service Two Noise Action Plans were prepared and finalised in Launch of Creative Ireland Fingal Programme by An accordance with the Environmental Noise Regulations Engineers Ireland Excellence Awards Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. in July 2006 Swords Castle - Heritage and Conservation award - Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2019-2023 Climate Change Action Plan IPB Pride of Place Awards - Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan 2019- 2023 The Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 published in Special Award for Seamus Ennis Centre 2019.

New Website Official launch of the Council’s new website on 30 September APPENDIX 10: Elected Members Balbriggan Electoral Area

52 Tony Murphy, Grainne Maguire, Seána Ó Rodaigh, Tom O’Leary, Cllr Karen Power, Non Party Non Party Labour Party Fine Gael Green Party

Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart Electoral Area

Mary McCamley, Breda Hanaphy, John Burtchaell, Punam Rane, Freddie Cooper, Labour Party Sinn Féin Solidarity Fine Gael Fianna Fáil APPENDIX 10: Elected Members Castleknock Electoral Area

Roderic O’Gorman, Emer Currie, Ted Leddy, 53 Green Party Fine Gael Fine Gael

John Walsh, Howard Mahony, Natalie Treacy, Labour Party Fianna Fáil Sinn Féin APPENDIX 10: Elected Members Howth-Malahide Electoral Area

54 Eoghan O’Brien, David Healy, Cian O’Callaghan, Brian McDonagh, Jimmy Guerin, Fianna Fáil Green Party Social Democrats Labour Party Non Party

Aoibhinn Tormey, Anthony Lavin, Fine Gael Fine Gael APPENDIX 10: Elected Members Ongar Electoral Area

Paul Donnelly, Tania Doyle, Tom Kitt, Daniel Whooley, Kieran Dennison, 55 Sinn Féin Non Party Fianna Fáil Green Party Fine Gael

Rush-Lusk Electoral Area

Robert O’Donoghue, Adrian Henchy, Brian Dennehy, Cathal Boland, Paul Mulville, Labour Party Fianna Fáil Fianna Fáil Non Party Social Democrats APPENDIX 10: Elected Members Swords Electoral Area

56 Darragh Butler, Ian Carey, Dean Mulligan, Duncan Smith, Joe Newman, Fianna Fáil Green Party Independents 4 Labour Party Non Party Change

Brigid Manton, Ann Graves, Fianna Fáil Sinn Féin APPENDIX 11: Local Electoral Area Map

To be a vibrant, outward looking, well run Council that shows leadership and embraces diversity and opportunity

Fingal County Council Corporate Plan 2019 - 2024