Army Officer Resignation Letter

Resigning a commission in the United States Army is not the same as resigning from a civilian job. There is a certain procedure that must be followed. Individuals wishing to resign from the army must access Army Regulation 135-175 which includes instructions for separation from a military commission that result in an honorable rather than a dishonorable discharge. There are situations in which it is acceptable for service personnel to resign before completing a commission.

Format and Content

Templates for an army officer resignation letter format based on various scenarios are contained within Army Regulation 135-175. Depending on the branch of the military under which an individual is serving, there may be a different section of the Army Regulation, other than 135-175, that would contain the proper template. A commanding officer would be able to direct an individual to the right section. All documentary evidence supporting the need to resign must be attached.


This army officer resignation letter is from an infantry captain whose base is at Fort Knox, Kentucky. His wife was recently killed in an automobile accident and he and his wife have no living parents or siblings. The officer is needed at home full-time to care for his minor children.

Dear Commander Lawrence:

I, Adam Franklin, Captain, Infantry, SSN 555-55-5555, hereby tender my resignation as a Reserve Officer of the Army, USAR, under the provisions of AR 135-175. It has been my honor and privilege to serve the American people and do my part to defend our country through my commission in the Reserves.

I am submitting this resignation because, as you know, I recently lost my wife in an automobile accident and must be at home full-time to care for our 2 children. Both my parents and my wife’s parents are deceased and neither of us have siblings; consequently there are no family members to help care for the children while I am away on military assignments. As my children have already lost their mother and have no grandparents I believe it is in their best interest for me to be with them all of the time rather than spending time away from them and also putting myself in dangerous situations that could ultimately cause them to become orphans.

I have enclosed my wife’s death certificate along with other documentary evidence supporting my need to resign my commission. I am presently assigned to the 11th Aviation Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky and am facing deployment to Iraq next month. I ask that my resignation be accepted prior to deployment as I have no family to take care of my children in my absence, and the children have already endured a devastating blow with the sudden and unexpected death of their mother.

I am proud to have been a part of the 11th Aviation Command serving the Commander-in-Chief and the nation in numerous military assignments over the past decade. Please accept my resignation and heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the USAR. I understand that if my resignation is accepted, I am entitled to an honorable separation and will be furnished an Honorable Discharge Certificate.