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Public Policy

At NCOA, we believe every person deserves to age well. Use our advocacy tools to stay healthy, secure, and independent, and get the latest policy news to take action when the time is right.

Close up shot of a public citizen speaking into the microphone at a public townhall.

Get the Facts on Elder Abuse

Jul 08, 2024

The Facts About Elder Abuse

Elections Guide for Older Adults: How to Stay Safe While Voting

Sep 07, 2022

Digital Redlining: Why Some Older Adults Overpay for Bad Internet

Jun 10, 2022

Final Funding for Aging Services Falls Short of Original Proposals

Mar 23, 2022

10 Policy Solutions to Improve Obesity Care for Older Adults

Mar 15, 2022

A senior Mexican woman living with obesity smiles at the camera, being an advocate <a href=for her obesity care options." width="1336" height="614" />

3G Network Shutdowns: The Impact on Older Adults

Feb 09, 2022

A group of senior Asian women are comparing cell <a href=phones while sitting together on a couch." width="1336" height="614" />

What Women Say About Retirement

With years of earning less and taking time off for caregiving, women enter retirement at a major disadvantage. Read the results of NCOA's research that finds half of U.S. women ages 25+ are struggling financially today, and 90% or more support bipartisan policy solutions to help.