Dragonfly Textbook Reading Guides

two turtles

two turtles

These worksheets are tailored to the current textbook: Biology by Miller and Levine (commonly called the Dragonfly book) Most are specifically targeted to chapter sections – as in, students read the section of the chapter and answer very straightforward questions as they read. I originally designed the reading guides to encourage freshman students to read the chapters. Files have two formats: .html for simple viewing on the web, and doc files , which can be easily edited using Microsoft word.

Chapter 1: The Science of Biology

Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function

Chapter 10: Cell Growth & Division

Chapter 15-17: Evolution

Evolution Review | Evolution Crossword
Ch 16-3 – Speciation
Ch 17 – Patterns of Evolution

Chapter 18:

Classification18-1: Finding Order in Diversity
18-2: Modern Classification word_icon
Ch 18 Review word_icon | Ch 18 What Do You Know word_icon

Chapter 20: The Protists

Chapter 26: Sponges & Cnidarians

26-1: Intro to the Animal Kingdom Ch 26 Review

Chapter 27: Worms & Mollusks


27-1 Flatworms 27-2 Roundworms
27-3 Annelids | 27-4 Mollusks
Ch 27 Review | Ch 27 Crossword (Mollusks, Annelids)

Chapter 28: Arthropods & Echinoderms

Chapter 30: Nonvertebrate Chordates, Fish and Amphibians

Chapter 31: Reptiles & Birds

Chapter 32: Mammals

31-1, 31-2 Intro to Mammals 32-3 Primates
34-1 Animal Behavior
34-2 Animal Behavior 2
Ch 32 Review

Chapter 3: The Biosphere

Chapter 4: Ecosystems and Communities

Chapter 5: Populations: Read 5-1 | Read 5-2, 5-3

Chapter 11: Mendelian Genetics

Read 11-1, 11-2 Mendel Read 11-3 Dihybrid Crosses
Read 11-4 Meiosis

Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering

13-1 Manipulating DNA
13-4 Applications of Genetic Engineering
Review Guide: Ch 12 & 13

Chapter 14: Human Genetics

14-1 Human Heredity 14-2 Human Chromosomes
14-3 DNA Analysis