Improving the Quality of Long-Term Care

Many factors affect quality care in long-term care (LTC) settings. A supportive organizational culture, strong leadership, appropriate staff and staffing, and effective training and professional development of staff members are all fundamental elements necessary for influencing quality care in LTC settings. This article discusses challenging issues confronting LTC settings and provides strategies for managing the complexities of culture change, staffing, and education in LTC.

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Josephine H. Silvestre , MSN, RN Affiliations Associate, Regulatory Innovations, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Chicago, Illinois Barbara J. Bowers , PhD, RN, FAAN Affiliations Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing Sue Gaard , MS, RN Affiliations Director, Communications and External Relations, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing Show all references Expand All Expand Table

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